Triple A Fazbear Wiki

Legolover2222 Legolover2222 2 January

hey there!

I'm Charlie! New to this wiki!

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FuntimeFreddyIsAwesomeFriend FuntimeFreddyIsAwesomeFriend 22 February 2024

I am back

I am back now to help fix pages and stuff and message me if you have any questions

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FuntimeFreddyIsAwesomeFriend FuntimeFreddyIsAwesomeFriend 12 January 2024


Hello I am Luna.

I use She/Hers pronouns. Please don’t misgender me or use the wrong pronouns.

I am bisexual with a pref towards women and I am proud of it.

I hate homophobes

Link to all of my pages


I wrote The Horrors of The Nightwing Lab.

The Horrors of The Nightwing Lab

DNI: Igory and his alt accounts. Like dude leave me alone stop following me to other wikis and harass me

Igoryu please make your own wiki for this fan stuff please and stop messaging me and telling me to f/ck off it is so annoying You are also on a DNI do not message me, reply to any of my posts, or interact with me or you will be reported to a staff member

I am proud to be Bisexual

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Jamesie cat2 Jamesie cat2 16 August 2023

This is one blog post uwu

Thiz is my blog hi

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RamChoops RamChoops 28 July 2023

Renders in Ruin (also old album reupload)

Hey hey hey hey!

It's been a while, a whole year actually. Last year and this year so far have been pure chaos, a lot that's good and a lot bad but still going pretty good either way!

Haven't been doing much in terms of rendering or just any sort of art in general, BUT with the release of Ruin (and it actually being a pretty decent DLC), I figured I'd tackle FNAF stuff again.

I was originally going to do all the characters + character related props from SB like I usually do, but I got really demotivated and the sheer amount of renders I would have to do ended up making me just give up and move on to other things (some of the more outrageous things are the different hour variants for each animatronic, Freddy's upgrades PLUS the hour stuff, and…

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Em3raldite367r Em3raldite367r 13 July 2023

RUIN is releasing soon, so we're protecting pages again.

With the rapidly approaching release of Security Breach's long anticipated DLC, RUIN, I'm informing everyone here that all major Security Breach pages will be protected for the next month to make adding new information to the wiki easier for us. Normally I would've done this for a 5 day time-frame (2 days before release and then 2 days after) but since Steel Wool are likely going to shadow-drop the DLC, then I'm playing it safe and protecting everything right now.

I'm aware that a good majority of people editing wikis will likely be getting their information from Youtubers releasing videos or livestreaming the DLC as it comes out, so it's easier for us to collect information and then add it all at once rather than trying to weave in between…

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Em3raldite367r Em3raldite367r 10 June 2023

The Illumix Problem

Hello editors and forum lurkers of Triple A. I bring bad news.

So, Illumix deleted their youtube account, and now every single video on AR's gallery page doesn't work. It's very annoying. There's not really much we can do about that.

Also, and this semi has to do with the previous statement, but I think it's become clear to everyone in this fanbase that Illumix has ceased support for FNaF AR and the game is most likely, almost definitely dead. Not much we can do there either, but I felt it bares mention.

Update: Never mind I guess?????

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TheSpookyGhosty TheSpookyGhosty 5 January 2023


i just wanted the achievement.

anyways, we can all agree that vanny was a villain of all time.

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KingAlex105X KingAlex105X 7 October 2022

Join Our Discord!

IF you want a nice place to chat about FNAF or even other topics feel free to join our Discord!

We have an art chat, memes, ect. & plenty of Emotes aswell. So please feel free to join, warning tho the server has verification not done by a bot.

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Minecraftbaldi133 Minecraftbaldi133 14 June 2022

Some sort of a message blog of why do i got blocked for Ultra Custom Night.

Note: You will see what is gonna happen right now. So in the Ultra Custom Night wikipage there are something then i was doing. 1. I was spamming in the Ultra Custom Night wikipage 2. I was vandalizing all the pages in the Ultra Custom Night wikipage 3. I will never come to the Ultra Custom Night wikipage for obvious reasons. 4. I got blocked forever on the Ultra Custom Night wikipage for no reason

And that is all. Here is the link!

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Стефи Стефи 15 March 2022

The Tenebris (Prologue+Chapter 1+Chapter 2)

Where am i? It's cold, so damn cold...  I must find... heat...  i don't want to die like this... please... anything but this...



Time to get up...

I woke up suddenly and jerked up from bed. It was a bright sunny afternoon. I Had seen on the forecast yesterday that we were gonna get rain around 7. "My god, what a dream." I muttered to myself while dragging my way out of bed. "Ugh, it's 3:00 already. I slept in, I never sleep in so it's ok." I made my way downstairs and ate lunch, "Mmm, Ramen is so frunking good." I prepared to go outside. "Thanks for lunch mom! I'll be back by 8:00." My mother replies with "Yes, be safe and DON'T GET INTO TROUBLE!". I walked outside with that thought looming in my head, remembering …

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RamChoops RamChoops 19 February 2022

Security Breach render stuff

Annnd the new year is already here.

Annnnd Security Breach already came out months ago.

Well, I guess it's about that time again! Time to crawl out of my cave and get to it, which thankfully I already have! Obviously haven't gotten as far as most other render people in the community, but I've always kept to my own pace and my own fun.

album removed for now, will be back soon lmao

Haven't uploaded ALL of the new renders here, mostly because I don't wanna spam too much, and I understand the hassle of having to add these to pages again and again, so I uploaded (mostly) the main ones and the rest are in the album, so stuff like additional endos and such.

Annnnnd I guess that wraps it up for now, good to be back!

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Kaicast19 Kaicast19 31 December 2024

made this cool art using some renders from this wiki

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Flydoginggy Flydoginggy 23 December 2021

Theory about blob

After the events of ffps molten freddy leaves after the pizzeria burnt down and scrap baby follows and moltten freddy swallows up scrap baby o his body again but not as the boss scraptrap follows aswell but looking more burnt so molten freddy finds the fnaf 1 pizzeria and finds bonnie and chica aswell as foxy and swallows them up and the endo in the backstage and then the amalgamation goes to the fnaf 2 pizzeria and takes mangle and puppet o their body and takes endo 02 aswell and then they find shelter and found many endoskeletons and he turned into blob and they fell asleep for years while they slept the ppizza plex was built on top on the shelter

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Em3raldite367r Em3raldite367r 10 December 2021

SB Releases Soon, so please read this

With the coming release of Security Breach, I wanna just take a moment to request something of our wiki users: Please please PLEASE be patient with uploading things.

This game's gonna be huge, and a lot of new pages, files and content will be added to the wiki. That being said, I want everyone to please do the following:

A. Make sure the thing you're about to upload isn't already on the wiki (and example would be uploading a similar screenshot to one we have). B. If you're going to make pages for any characters / locations that haven't already been made, please do more than just "[Blank] is a character in Security Breach." It happened a lot when the first SB trailer dropped, so I ask that it doesn't happen again when the game drops. C. Final…

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Vanny.Afton34 Vanny.Afton34 7 December 2021

9 days until Security Breach

When I heard security breach was coming out i was frantically fan-girling over all the charecters. BUT NOW THERE IS 9 MORE DAYS. If you are freaking out like I am, i dont know, take a deep breath? What did you expect me to say? BUT YAY!

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CinnamonClara CinnamonClara 21 November 2021

hi ig

idk lmao just saying hi

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Orange Idol Orange Idol 1 November 2021

Pop Quiz

Just something I did

  1. Who is the co-founder of Steel Wool Studios?
  2. How does FNaF AR suck for many?
  3. Do you think Glitchtrap is Afton who somehow escaped UCN to the matrix?
  4. Who is your favorite character?
  5. What happens as you climb into Glamrock Freddy's birthday cake hatch?

Yeah I regret doing this

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Poisonmoonarrow13 Poisonmoonarrow13 28 October 2021

My thoughts I guess

I’m not exactly sure how this works, but I just got back on the wiki since January 16th. I’ve missed this so much. The only reason I was off the wiki’s was that I thought I lost my password, and that no matter what, I couldn’t get back on( I know, so smart.) Well anyway, feel free to chat me or smth.

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Elizab4thAfton Elizab4thAfton 15 July 2021

I am dum enough to know dis B)

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Fnafguard1983 Fnafguard1983 3 July 2021

Calls from Phone Guy

Phone Guy call 1: Hey Emily! I wanted see how were you doing but it seems that you as the code designer have added something that's not supposed to be there (Odd right?) so you have to remove-e it or it'll destroy our system and-// Unknown Worker: *Hangs up* "Sorry, the number called is not service" you are boring as the channels on the Telly!... Glitch-Trap are you ready for our adventure!// Glitch-Trap: Y-Yes-s-s-s! but you'll need this * puts rabbit head on so tight that she cant get it off* //Unknown Worker: Ah~ Thanks!! //Me: Whats gonna Happen?

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Foxlord 97 Foxlord 97 25 June 2021


I will render canon FNaF models for free. (Put requests in Message Wall not the comments on this blog)

Pervious renders in comments

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Foxlord 97 Foxlord 97 22 June 2021


The ATM machines in “Unused Features for FNaF Vr” are used, they are right besides the Prize Coner in the lobby. Here’s an image from KUNOLEO that I edited to show the models.

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FuntimeFoxy94 FuntimeFoxy94 2 June 2021

My home

Place i go to off roleplay aka brake

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hacker man

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Em3raldite367r Em3raldite367r 23 May 2021

AR File Help!

Hello there wiki editors! As you may have noticed, we have been lacking some files for all of FNaF AR's content after the Heart Stopper's Event in February. The FNaF AR file dump has yet to be updated as the creator is busy with other projects (please don't pressure them about it, let them update it on their own time).

If you have access to the files for the game, it'd be great if you could help out around the wiki by uploading what we're missing! But please note, YOU DON'T HAVE TO. If you don't want to spend all that time getting these assets, then by all means, don't! It's your choice!

We are currently in need of the following assets:

Serpent Mangle, Curse and Big Bad:

  • Hidden Plushsuit

Deep Water Bare Endo:

  • Plushsuit Package
  • Profile Pack
  • 3D Profil…
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Bert Bentso Bert Bentso 23 May 2021


Hello everyone as @FreddyFrostbearHL knows I am working on a fan-universe and I would love to know if any of you want to help with character models/any Satanex Games

Rules regarding art and games

1. if you make any art you must credit me and scott cawthon for the characters

2. all art and games must be SFW unless it is light gore

3. no sexual details in art or dialogue

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Yukikburgerman37 Yukikburgerman37 8 September 2024

Dalek Sec. Dalek Tales: CUlt Of Skaro.

Dalek Sec is the Main Protagonist of the Dalek Tales: Cult Of Skaro Series.

He is with the Cult memebers along with the Dalek Leaders Including Davros, Supreme Red Dalek, Time Controller AKA Strategist Dalek, General Dalek, The Emperor Dalek, they Also Have the ability to Peer inside himself along with cult Of Skaro.

(P.S Season 2 is coming this year or 2022)

(I cannot Reveal alll the Episodes it will take Forever)

SO LETS DO Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 32, 33.

Episode 1: Dalek Sec's Christmas.

In this story We follow the Christmas Daleks Prepare for Christmas and Dalek sec who sits and Watches them but get lonely and Is not sure what to do He was Created by The Emperor as in his Mind Calls him: Daddy, And Davros Funnily As Grandpa …

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Bonbon the hand puppet Bonbon the hand puppet 22 March 2021

i have a theory

i think its possible that scraptrap is pit Bonnie from Fazbear frights book#1 in to the pit because the heads both look the same plus the site that william has cant be spring bonnie because it would have probibly burned away when fazbear frights burned down and pit bonnie in into the pit likes to kill just like william and its a bonnie.

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TheShadowSpringtrap TheShadowSpringtrap 22 March 2021

hi this my first blog so i guess u can rolepay with this and u can anyone or any animatronic from the fnaf universe

that is if u can idk if u can cuz iv'e never made a blog before

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Clxwnmxl Clxwnmxl 7 March 2021



i want the fnaf books but i need an exttrct, is it worth the money? PLS LMK

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Dragonify Dragonify 2 February 2021

Security Breach VA News: Updated Edition

Woahhhhh another one of these, horrayyyy

Recently there has been quite a bit of news on There are more roles and new voice actors appearing on Scott's profile, seemingly for the anticipated Security Breach. So I decided to repost the blog and update it with more of the recent ones. Go here to find the new ones!

Keep in mind that there is a chance they are not for Security Breach but for a different project. But be excited anyway cuz who doesn't love when Scott does things.

UPDATE: The more voice roles appear, the more it seems like these newer roles aren't for Security Breach, but instead for a game similar to Freddy In Space 2. But I'm still going to include these in this blog post. So bear that in mind while reading the new one.


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Jasonschissler Jasonschissler 1 February 2021

foxy is cool


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Foxlord 97 Foxlord 97 1 February 2021

Chocolate animatronics

Are Chocolate Freddy and Chocolate Chica in the FNaF AR files? I’m Just wondering since April is in 2 months so there might be some Trace of them. Idk \_😐_/, have great day

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StarryTwTMilk StarryTwTMilk 28 January 2021

Hi- q ---------- q


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DJ Eagle DJ Eagle 23 January 2021

keep scrolling

cool cool cool.

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Theannoyedone Theannoyedone 16 January 2021

Something that is annoying to me

Ello everyone! How's it going? Today I may talk about some parents that act like Karens

How did I found them

While I was looking on google, I saw something really interesting... A random website that is saying how good is a game... So I clicked on it and I was reading some stuff but then... Some parents REALLY said that this game is not cool it has BAD WORDS (I haven't heard a bad word in fnaf idk tell me if u found one) and that made me triggered. Then I was looking at the children which it had 380 REVIEWS- but it was better :D

let's talk :P

now that we found out how did I found it, let's say some stuff... Tbh the parents we're kinda acting like Karens cuz they said that it needs to be deleted (forgot to say it earlier, please don't get mad ;…

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Theannoyedone Theannoyedone 16 January 2021

Some stuff about me cuz I am bored

Basically I am a girl and not a boy (some people say like cool dude, this makes me feel like Bonnie)... Next up I have 12 years old (and Ik everyone will say that I am a kiddo rn :')) and lastly I suck at surviving a night at fnaf (but still the game is good tho I am not hating on it rn)


. Idk what am I doing anymore lmao

. My editting skills suck

. Get some hot chocolate and chill

. Bye :')

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Glamrock Foxy Glamrock Foxy 18 December 2020


just letting you know i amleaving fandom and discord

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Charlie emily fnaf Charlie emily fnaf 11 December 2020

marry fnaf christmas everyone

i want to wish everyone a marry fnaf christmas but pls stay self

stay safe & be safe & be who u are & ik u try your best for the updates on the games & be happy /pls no hate

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Charlie emily fnaf Charlie emily fnaf 11 December 2020

fav fanf

my fav fnaf is charlie emily , Elizabeth afton

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Whynotboi2 Whynotboi2 7 December 2020

Why I have been more dead then a actual dead person

Hello, it is I. Main cause of the comment close action. I haven't seen everyone here in a while and I feel I should talk about why... I have been a pretty good FNaF AR Animation poster and I helped upload a ton of then. After some point it was either too lengthy and non-rewarding and the wiki is also using these side poses and it's just overwriting what I worked hard to get. I of course don't mind it's just I never have motivation to make any new ones because I'm dealing with so much in my other places and websites. So that's it.

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Em3raldite367r Em3raldite367r 3 December 2020

The Vanessa Situation (UPDATE!)

So a while ago I made a blog post talking about how I was combining the two Vanessa pages into one in case they were the same character.

Well, low and behold, we have confirmation that... they are! Somebody was wondering why Illumix stopped sending out the lore related emails, so went searching and found some unused ones seen here (a shorter explanation & summary of them found here). These emails show a lot of lore from AR, like how Vanny actually manipulated things and is the soul reason why the virus in the animatronics has yet to be fixed.

But the big thing here is that it talks about how Vanny was given a Security Guard position at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. So yeah; turns out the two Vanessas are the same character!

But yeah, basi…

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Kaijuboi54 Kaijuboi54 3 December 2020


Hi people

theories are starting to become more cringe

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Dragonify Dragonify 3 December 2020

Comments are now closed.

Hello fellow wiki users. Hope you are having a decent day today.

We have a bad news today, and that is we will be closing all the comments on every wiki pages from now on. A lot of reasons why, but mainly because it's just really out of hands for us staffs to handle. People harassing other users, acting really weird towards other user (we literally have users trying to flirt on people), not following rules that are common sense, and just overall very "cringy" (I wanted to sum it up professionally but cringe is the only word I can think of).

"This is a load of bullcrap. Where do I talk to other users now?" We actually have multiple options for you.

  1. The Triple A Fazbear Wiki Discussion. There is a reason why it exists. For you to communicate. Si…
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Lightningboi777 Lightningboi777 2 December 2020


helo UWU

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TheReal Glitchtrap TheReal Glitchtrap 27 November 2020

Glitchtrap's Confusion

One day, it was like every other one, so I decided to try something, something new. I tried to go somewhere I've never been. It was weird at first, me being above everyone, but I kept going. I found this computer so I touched it. Next thing I knew I was in a game called 'Help Wanted' or something. I decided to explore. Then I found this girl. She then saw me, and came closer...

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VannyTheKiller VannyTheKiller 20 November 2020

Vanny’s Diary

Date: February 2, 2020

Today I was beta Testing a Virtual Reality game. I work for Fazbear entertainment.

As i was saying, i was testing the game when i see this really weird purple glitch. Of course, as you know, we’re supposed to report and glitches or bugs. But, something compelled me to go over to it. I start walking towards it.

I reach out to touch it and it disappears.

I don’t know what it was or what made me reach out for it. But, i have a feeling, i will see it again soon......


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Laznor Laznor 17 November 2020


Hi I LOVE this wiki allow me to state my favorite characters:

FNaF 1: Golden Freddy


FNaF 3: Springtrap

FNaF 4: Nightmare Freddy

FNaF SL: Ennard

FNaF 6: Mr. Hippo/Lefty

FNaF VR: Grimm Foxy

FNaF AR: Ringmaster Foxy/Clown Springtrap

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Glamrock Foxy Glamrock Foxy 18 November 2020

Say hello to you newest staff member

I’m a rollback I’m so excited for what good things I can do for the wiki

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