“ | I’ve made a FNAF treasure hunting game of sorts, with prizes hidden throughout. Some of them are hidden by puzzles and tricks so devious and so obscure that poor MatPat won’t stand a chance to find them alone! | ” |
— Scott Cawthon on Reddit.
Note: This game was made for a FNaF Fan named Skylar, he had a YouTube channel named "Skylar Ginn". Skylar had cancer and died October 26 2019.
Freddy In Space 2 is a side-scrolling fighter game, individually developed and published by Scott Cawthon for Game Theory's 9-hour St. Jude Children's Research Hospital fundraiser. It is the sequel to the original FNaF 57: Freddy In Space minigame from FNaF World.
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Freddy is back... in space! Every good horror series inevitably goes to space, but how many of them go back for a second round? When Freddy leaves the lunar base on a deep-space mission, the central computer system is hijacked by the newly installed high-tech computer assistant: L.ogarithmic O.nline LAN-compatible Z.ero-error H.ydraulic A.uxiliary X.ylophone(?), otherwise known as L.O.L.Z.H.A.X. LolzHax has brainwashed the other resident space warriors, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and that weird gangly space puppet, and has locked Freddy's son outside the station with limited air remaining. Can Freddy rescue his friends, defeat LolzHax, and save his son in time? This game has been designed specifically for the December 3rd charity stream hosted by Game Theory. Download it, play it, and find as many secrets as you can! Then, when the game is being played live on-stream, flood the chat and social media with the secrets you've found, including treasure locations and secret boss hideouts, because when the stream is over, however much money their team has found in the game will become an actual donation by me! Dawko will be practicing the game all day while the stream is going on, so be sure to send him tips and hints! Play along and help him plan routes and find strategies. Then when the game's official time slot arrives, he will start a new game and have two hours to make his official run, collecting as much as he can! Some restrictions will apply of course:
Rules and details may change throughout the day depending on what goes wrong! RULE FOR THE ACTUAL STREAM! Now pay attention everyone. I only have one other rule for the actual stream, so everyone over at Game Theory needs to take notice.
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Playable Characters[]Enemies[] |
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Development[]Before Announcement[]Scott had released 2 teasers for this game. The first teaser has the number 58 on it. When brightened, the image will reveal several "quotes" that seem to be all the negative reviews towards the mysterious game.
After Announcement[]The game is then revealed after MatPat announced his upcoming charity livestream. The game is set to be a treasure hunting adventure, having hidden puzzles and tricks in a level of obscurity in order for the YouTubers: MatPat (or known as the Game Theorists), Dawko and Markiplier "cannot stand a chance to find them" during the stream. However, at the start of the charity stream in December 3, 2019, the game will be released for free on GameJolt giving everyone the time to play. While MatPat plays the game, Scott said that everyone can also bombard him with other puzzles and secrets, give such tips and help him in beating the game. Whatever MatPat's total is at the end of his charity stream, Scott mentioned that will be the amount of dollars he will donate for the charity stream. Scott also mentioned there will be guidelines. He will post the rules for this in the coming week, and he has the power in updating those guidelines and rules until the stream begins, so all of this is subject to change as the project evolves. On November 30, 2019, after three years of inactivity in Scott's channel; Scott posted a new trailer that reveals the title being 'Freddy in Space 2' with multiple gameplay that is set into a 2D style instead of the 3D style that the original had. Trivia[]
Gallery[][]A muscular Freddy with a female wolf, Possibly Roxanne Wolf Ditto, but with the hidden 3's highlighted. Trailer[]