Triple A Fazbear Wiki
Help Wanted

Prize Counter is one of the main areas in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted. It is located at the back of the Main Hub.



The crane that drops the prizes.

The Prize Counter is filled with plushies and toys on the racks. A few gumball machines are placed next to the area. There is also a monitor at the right of the counter where the player can summon the unlocked prizes. A crane will appear from the door with a star labeled on it at the top, drop the item on the counter, and leave with a small hole at the top right side of the counter.

A television is placed at the top left outer corner of the room. The television can be turned on with the button inside the Exotic Butters basket (if unlocked).


Prizes can be obtained every time the player had beaten a level. These prizes are random and will not repeat, and after every prizes had been obtained, the player will start getting cakes as the prizes only. While some of them are edible, some of them can cause the player to choke. There are also some that the player can wear.


These Special Prizes cannot be obtained from beating a level. Instead, the player must collect a certain amount of Faz Tokens to unlock them.

PrizeBasket Ball
(Available from beginning)
Chica's Roaches1
(5 Faz Tokens)
PrizeCoffee Cup
Plastic Cup
(8 Faz Tokens)
Desk Fan
(10 Faz Tokens)
Rolled Paper
(15 Faz Tokens)
Freddy Mask
Fazbear Mask
(20 Faz-Tokens)
PrizeEight Ball
(22 Faz-Tokens)
(25 Faz Tokens)

By collecting all 30 Faz Tokens, the player can unlock Exotic Butters, which is not listed on the category screen, but instead on the counter permanently. The Exotic Butter are edible, and the bottom of the basket has a hidden red button, which can turn on the television in the Prize Counter.


Plush Circus Baby
Plush Scrap Baby
(Scrap Baby ver.)
Plush Funtime Foxy
Funtime Foxy
Plush Funtime Freddy (No BonBon)
Funtime Freddy
Plush Nightmarionne
Plush Toy Freddy
Toy Freddy
Plush Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie
Plush Toy Chica
Toy Chica
Plush Marionette
The Puppet
Plush Bonnie
Plush Chica
Plush Foxy
Plush Freddy
Freddy Fazbear

Action Figures[]

These Action Figures can be eaten by the player. The player will make a choking sound after eating them and start breathing heavier. After eating them for 3 times, the player will die and return to game over screen.

Figure Freddy
Freddy Fazbear
Figure Ennard
Figure Mangle
Figure Toy Freddy
Toy Freddy
Figure Toy Bonnie
Toy Bonnie
Figure Toy Chica
Toy Chica
Figure Balloon Boy
Balloon Boy
Figure Marionette
Figure Plushtrap
Figure Bonnie
Figure Chica
Figure Foxy
Figure Nightmarionne
Figure Circus Baby
Circus Baby
Figure Funtime Foxy
Funtime Foxy
Figure Funtime Freddy
Funtime Freddy
Figure Nightmare Fredbear
Nightmare Fredbear
Figure BonBon


All of the prizes in this category can be eaten safely without choking.

Disappointment Chips
PrizeEl Chips Tortilla Style Tortilla Chips Bold and Spicy
El Chip's Tortilla Chips
Bold and Spicy
PrizeMeat Bites XL
Meat Bites XL
PrizeBonnie Bites
Bonnie Bites
PrizeMixed Nuts
Allergy Friendly Mixed Nuts
PrizeMeat Bites
Meat Bites
Stick of Butter
PrizePirate Plunderbar
Pirate Plunderbar
PrizeFoxy Cove Cooler
Foxy Cove Cooler
PrizeButter For One
Butter for One
PrizeFreddy Fudgebar
Freddy Fudgebar
Exotic Beverage
Exotic Beverage
PrizeChica Chug
Chica Chug
PrizeEl Chips Tortilla Style Tortilla Chips
El Chip's Tortilla Chips
PrizeLemon Chica Bar
Lemon Chica Bar
Cake Slice
Slice of Cake


Cupcake (Help Wanted)
Bedroom Toys PrizeBalloon
Toy Phone Toy Caterpiller Toy Robot


Bobble Heads
Freddy Fazbear Chica Bonnie


These prizes are only obtainable in the Curse of Dreadbear DLC.

Figure Withered Freddy
Withered Freddy
Figure Withered Bonnie
Withered Bonnie
Figure Withered Chica
Withered Chica
Figure Withered Foxy
Withered Foxy
Figure Nightmare Freddy
Nightmare Freddy
Figure Nightmare Bonnie
Nightmare Bonnie
Figure Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Chica
Figure Nightmare Foxy
Nightmare Foxy
Cupcake Bucket
Cupcake Candy Pail
PrizeTeethy Chew
Teethy Chew
PrizeChewy Treat
Chewy Treat
PrizeEat N' Cry
Eat N' Cry
Katz Black Licorice
PrizeLate Night Bite
Bite Late Night
Bonnie Pumpkin
Bonnie Pumpkin
Chica Pumpkin
Chica Pumpkin
Foxy Pumpkin
Foxy Pumpkin
Freddy Pumpkin
Freddy Pumpkin
PrizeBuccaneer Bounty
Buccaneer Bounty
PrizeChica of The Sea
Chica of the Sea
PrizeDevilish Delight
Devilish Delight
PrizeMoon Drop
Moon Drop
PrizeLavender Dollop
Lavender Dollop
PrizeMint Third Eye
Third Eye
Freddy Mask (Eyeless)
Freddy Mask
Bonnie Mask
Chica Mask
BB Mask
Foxy Mask
Mangle Mask
Mangle Mask
Figure Jack-o-Bonnie
Jack-O-Bonnie Figure
Figure Jack-o-Chica
Jack-O-Chica Figure
Figure Grimm Foxy
Grimm Foxy Figure
Figure Dreadbear
Dreadbear Figure


  • Once the player obtains all 30 Faz Tokens, the Exotic Butters will appear on the left side. A button is hidden under the butter which turns on the TV. A list of things the TV has displayed can be found in the following section.
  • After completing Corn Maze through use of the secret exit, the rabbit mask found there will appear sitting in front of the prize select.
    • If the player puts on the rabbit mask and picks up the Glitchtrap plush, a secret audio will play from the Reluctant Follower.
      • In Flat Mode, this can be done by wearing the mask while the Glitchtrap plush is near the Prize Counter. For PS4 and Switch players, this may entail throwing the plush across the main area at the Prize Counter.


The Television at the Prize Counter can be turned on by pressing the button in the bottom of the basket of Exotic Butters. The TV itself serves as an Easter Egg basket with images that occasionally rotate out. The following is a list of things that have been seen on the Television:

  • Originally, the TV showed several "live-action" photographs of animatronics from the restaurant/arcade ShowBiz Pizza. Scott Cawthon explained that they were removed because he did not want to send unwanted attention to the restaurant.
  • The "live action" images were quickly removed and replaced with Lolbit's pop-up from Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location and Ultimate Custom Night.
  • Before the 5th patch, the screen would turn into static for a second before it stopped.
  • The TV later changed to display a teaser image featuring the four main withered animatronics. This image was later used for the withered level in FNAF 2.
  • The TV later showed a picture of a field with a TV and the animatronic rising from the ground. This animatronic was later confirmed to be Dreadbear through the Curse of Dreadbear trailer with the image having been a teaser for the DLC.
  • On December 21, 2019, a small patch was made to the game decorating the main hub area for Christmas. With this patch, the TV was also updated to display an image of of the Backstage area of the Pizza Party level, indicating an Easter Egg might be found there.


Faz Tokens[]

  • A Faz Token can be found on the counter in front of the prize select monitor.


  • The Tape Player is on a shelf next to the Toy Chica plushie. To collect it, the Player needs to throw an item at it and knock it off. Once it falls, it is automatically collected. Collecting the Tape Player opens the Tape Room and does not count as a tape.
  • Another is underneath the Disappointment Chips. The Player simply needs to reach through the glass counter to collect this tape.
  • Another tape is hidden inside the gumball machine to the right of the counter. Like with the Disappointment Chips, the player just has to reach through the machine to collect this tape.


  • The Prize Counter used to be named as "Prize Corner" in previous games such as FNaF 2 and Ultimate Custom Night. It is unknown why the name had changed.
  • The Prize Counter is set in the Freddy Fazbear's Pizza from FNaF 1, which never showed nor mentioned the existence of a Prize Counter.
    • It most likely, however, was simply put there for just Help Wanted.
  • At the Prize Counter, Coffee has a rare chance of appearing on the floor behind the counter.
  • Many of the prizes and snacks within VR return in Security Breach as advertised products and props scattered around.
    • Most noteably are Chica of the Sea, Sodaroni and Moondrop candies, which all got their very own animated banners seen throughout the Pizzaplex.
      • Strangely however, Moondrop candies in Security Breach are advertised as small hard-candies rather than the candy bar within Curse of Dreadbear.
      • Pieces of Lemon Chica Bars & Pirate Plunderbars are seen on the table in Glamrock Chica's room.
      • Moreover, Bonnie Bites returns to the game, not as the candy, but as an arcade machine starring Melted Chocolate Bonnie from Special Delivery.
    • Similarly, the Prize Counter itself returns as one of the various gift shops within the Pizzaplex.
  • Due to moondrop candies being advertised by The Daycare Attendant in Security Breach, many believed that the character's name was "Moondrop", until it was later deconfirmed when the game released.
Game Mechanics
General BatteryCamerasExotic ButtersFaz TokensFlashlightFreddy Fazbear MaskShocker
Help Wanted Prize CounterTapesThe Gallery
Special Delivery The ShopE-MailsEventsPartsRemnantSkinsPlayer ProfileWorkshopNoise MeterPhoto Booth ModeXPAnimatronic Encounters
Freddy in Space 2 GemsPower-UpsTrophies
Security Breach Faz-WatchFaz-Cam & FazerblasterCollectablesDufflebag MessagesMonty Golf AR-CadeBalloon WorldPrincess QuestRetro CDsGlamrock FreddySecurity MaskFaz-WrenchCamera Station
Other Easter EggsEndingsFazbear Funtime ServiceThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceFreddy and Friends: On TourMemories
Meta Content TeasersAchievementsUpdate HistoriesBeta ContentUnused FeaturesUnused and Cut Content (FNAF Security Breach)
General Fazbear EntertainmentFreddy Fazbear's PizzaFazbear's FrightThe BedroomCircus Baby's Entertainment and Rental
Help Wanted Main HubPrize CounterPrize RoomTape RoomGame Over RoomThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceThe GallerySilver Parasol Games
Special Delivery Fazbear Funtime ServiceThe Dark Circus
Security Breach Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex