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The Freddy Fazbear Virtual Experience is a virtual reality game created by Fazbear Entertainment and developed by Silver Parasol Games to hide the Animatronic rumors. It is the main setting of Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted.


The game was canonically released to conceal unsatisfactory objects concerning the vandal stories spread by a "complete lunatic". However, while these stories were said to be scary have been reformatted to be funny and distributed for entertainment, as mentioned by HandUnit.

Locations and Areas[]

Intro Sequence (Ride)[]


The Intro Sequence ride is played when the game is first started, but it can be played again upon pressing the "Intro Sequence" button. The intro sequence introduces HandUnit, who welcomes the player and also gives a brief summary of the Fazbear Virtual Experience. The ride also shows multiple photographs, as well as talking on the topic of rumors about past Fazbear establishments, such as the killer animatronics (insisting that said rumors are falsehoods). After the summary is given, the player is then presented with a virtual liability waiver which the player must agree to in order to continue. The waiver reads as it follows:

Welcome to the Fazbear Entertainment Quality Assurance team. Before we can officially congratulate you on your fabulous lifetime career choice, you must agree to this simple waiver. Our lawyers have come up with a way to save you time by bypassing all the legal terms, and pages and pages of law-related verbiage by creating this simple in-game app. The important points have been condensed to a single page. Consider precious moments of your life saved.

The auto-scroll feature was designed to protect you from potential repetitive stress injuries. It's just another way that Fazbear Entertainment cares for its employees. You should also take care not to over-exert your eyes while looking at such small text on a highly contrasting document screen. Therefore, it is recommended that you rest your eyes while agreeing to these terms. Please close them now for safety purposes. Are they closed? Good. If you agree to the terms presented, you may press the button in front of you to confirm. Or, if you would like to reduce the risk of repetitive stress injury, you may allow the accept button to remain untouched for 10 seconds. The 10 second mark will let us know that you intend to press the accept button, but are a health-conscious individual.

Level Selection Hub[]

The Level Select menu allows the player to select seven gameplay segments with multiple minigames, the gameplay segments lists as:

Blacklight Switch/Selection Hub[]

The Blacklight Switch switches the game between the normal level selection menu and the Blacklight menu. The Blacklight menu contains a revised Level Select with altered and/or more difficult levels. Blacklight Mode, along with the levels accessed from this version of Level Select, have a blacklight color scheme which is present everywhere with the exception in the Tape Room and the Gallery.

After being unlocked, the Tape Room can only be accessed from the Blacklight Menu by interacting with the glitching cassette player on top of the Faz Token counter.

Halloween Switch/Selection Hub[]

The Halloween Switch allows the player to enter the Curse of Dreadbear gameplay. The Halloween selection hub is located at a graveyard filled with multiple graves, pumpkins, decayed trees, jack-o-lanterns and metal bars. The levels contained in the menu were either redecorated from the original or completely new ones.

Showtime Button[]

As of today, the means of activating the Showtime button has no functionality and yet to be found out in a future update. It seems the feature has not been fully implemented yet due to behind the scenes issues.

The Gallery[]


The Gallery with Freddy Fazbear selected.

After finishing the Pizza Party level, The Gallery button will appear and can be pressed to access the Gallery. The player is then taken to a round stage with a selection of characters on the right (Base characters) and on the left (Characters added over updates). By pressing the button, an animatronic's model from the game will appear on stage, and can be rotated with the lever given.


  • A few days after the early access coverage on YouTube, around May 22, 2019, the Blacklight Switch was disabled with an "Out of Order" sign, which effectively locked the beta testers out of the harder levels and from listening to more tapes. This was to prevent further spoilers, as one of the YouTubers went too far into the game.
Game Mechanics
General BatteryCamerasExotic ButtersFaz TokensFlashlightFreddy Fazbear MaskShocker
Help Wanted Prize CounterTapesThe Gallery
Special Delivery The ShopE-MailsEventsPartsRemnantSkinsPlayer ProfileWorkshopNoise MeterPhoto Booth ModeXPAnimatronic Encounters
Freddy in Space 2 GemsPower-UpsTrophies
Security Breach Faz-WatchFaz-Cam & FazerblasterCollectablesDufflebag MessagesMonty Golf AR-CadeBalloon WorldPrincess QuestRetro CDsGlamrock FreddySecurity MaskFaz-WrenchCamera Station
Other Easter EggsEndingsFazbear Funtime ServiceThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceFreddy and Friends: On TourMemories
Meta Content TeasersAchievementsUpdate HistoriesBeta ContentUnused FeaturesUnused and Cut Content (FNAF Security Breach)
General Fazbear EntertainmentFreddy Fazbear's PizzaFazbear's FrightThe BedroomCircus Baby's Entertainment and Rental
Help Wanted Main HubPrize CounterPrize RoomTape RoomGame Over RoomThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceThe GallerySilver Parasol Games
Special Delivery Fazbear Funtime ServiceThe Dark Circus
Security Breach Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex