Triple A Fazbear Wiki
Help Wanted

The Gallery is an extra-like menu that features a screen that can be interacted in order to view full body renders of the animatronics from Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted. The Gallery returns in a newer fashion in Help Wanted' sequel, Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2.


Help Wanted[]

The Gallery features two screens, one on the left and one on the right. The screen in the right features most of the animatronics that were present in the base game. In the left screen, it features the Withered Animatronics and the ones present in the Curse of Dreadbear Halloween DLC.

The Gallery also features a round stage where the selected animatronic is featured. A switch is available in front of the right screen in order to rotate the stage, helping the player to view the back and side portions of the selected animatronic. Upon selecting another animatronic, the stage is closed by a red curtain then opened again with the new selected animatronic in the stage.

Help Wanted 2[]

The Gallery takes on a new appearance in Help Wanted 2, as it is now a permanent part of the hub world. It is a long stage with a small circular indent that will lower and bring up each animatronic to be displayed. Behind the display area is a large red curtain, which will actually open up to display the larger characters, being DJ Music Man and Head Chef Bot. Whichever animatronic is chosen to be displayed will remain on the stage until the player enters a level.

In front of the stage are two tables to the left and right of the player. One table holds a device that allows the player to go through and select the animatronic they wish to display. To the left of the player is a standee for the six Faz Force figurines; a set of collectables needed to get one of the two endings.


In Help Wanted, the Gallery can be unlocked upon completion of the Pizza Party level from Night Terrors. A button in the main hub will appear that can transport the player to the Gallery. The DLC characters will also be featured in the gallery, even if the Curse of Dreadbear DLC has not yet been completed in it's entirety.

In Help Wanted 2, the Gallery can now be accessed at all times, with each displayable animatronic being unlocked via beating levels, and earning the characters via the Cupcake Bonanza machine.


Help Wanted[]

These are the animatronics available in the gallery in order of the menu grid:

ICO Freddy
Freddy Fazbear
ICO Bonnie
ICO Chica
ICO Foxy
ICO Ennard
ICO Mangle
ICO ToyFreddy
Toy Freddy
ICO ToyBonnie
Toy Bonnie
ICO ToyChica
Toy Chica
ICO BalloonBoy
Balloon Boy
ICO Puppet
ICO Plushtrap
ICO Nightmarionne
ICO CircusBaby
Circus Baby
ICO FuntimeFoxy
Funtime Foxy
ICO FuntimeFreddy
Funtime Freddy
ICO NightmareFredbear
Nightmare Fredbear
ICO Plushbaby
ICO Lolbit
ICO NightmareBB
Nightmare Balloon Boy
ICO Springtrap
ICO Endo
ICO EndoNightmareFredbear
Nightmare Endo
ICO Freddles
ICO Plushies
ICO WitheredFreddy
Withered Freddy
ICO WitheredBonnie
Withered Bonnie
ICO WitheredChica
Withered Chica
ICO WitheredFoxy
Withered Foxy
ICO NM Freddy
Nightmare Freddy
ICO NM Bonnie
Nightmare Bonnie
ICO NM Chica
Nightmare Chica
Nightmare Foxy
ICO Dreadbear Gallery
ICO Jack-O-Bonnie Gallery
ICO Jack-O-Chica Gallery
ICO GrimmFoxy Gallery
Grim Foxy

Help Wanted 2[]

These are the characters available in the gallery in order of selection:

T GalleryBust Ballora
T GalleryBust Yenndo
T GalleryBust Vanny
T GalleryBust Sun
T GalleryBust Staffbots
S.T.A.F.F. Bots
T GalleryBust ShatteredRoxy
Shattered Roxy
T GalleryBust ShatteredChica
Shattered Chica
T GalleryBust ScrapBaby
Scrap Baby
T GalleryBust LMMRuined
Ruined Mini Music Man
T GalleryBust Roxy
Roxanne Wolf
T GalleryBust PlushBaby
T GalleryBust PigPatch
T GalleryBust Moon
T GalleryBust Monty
Montgomery Gator
T GalleryBust Minireena
T GalleryBust LMM
Mini Music Man
T GalleryBust Lefty
T GalleryBust JackOMoon
T GalleryBust JackieModel
T GalleryBust Helpy
T GalleryBust HeadChefBot
Head Chef Bot
T GalleryBust FTFreddy
Funtime Freddy
T GalleryBust FTChica
Funtime Chica
T GalleryBust GlamFreddy
Glamrock Freddy
T GalleryBust Ennard
T GalleryBust Endo
Glamrock Endo
T GalleryBust RuinedDJMM
Ruined DJMM
T GalleryBust DJMM
DJ Music Man
T GalleryBust CircusBaby
Circus Baby
T GalleryBust GlamChica
Glamrock Chica
T GalleryBust Celebrate
(Cassie & Mask Bot)
T GalleryBust CaptainFoxy
Captain Foxy
T GalleryBust BurnedCarnie
Burned Carnie
T GalleryBust GlamBonnie
Glamrock Bonnie
T GalleryBust Bonnet
T GalleryBust BonBon
T GalleryBust Bidybab
T GalleryBust Carnie

Note: Credits to the Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki for the Gallery table format.


  • The Gallery does not contain all of the animatronics present in Help Wanted, such as Glitchtrap and the Phantom Animatronics.
  • The gallery doesn't house any of the hardmode variants, such as Shadow Mangle, Virtualtrap, etc.
  • Originally, in the Plushies gallery, there is noticeably no Toy Bonnie plush, and instead there were two Bonnie plushies.
    • This was fixed in a later update. 
  • The Gallery icons are actually cut from their model pose.
  • The DLC characters' gallery icons lack the purple pizza background the other characters were given.
  • The only characters from the Curse of Dreadbear DLC to not gain a gallery spot were the Plushkins.
    • This may be the case due to the fact that the Plushbabies already had a spot in the gallery.
  • The Gallery was set to return in Security Breach, but was ultimately scrapped and never fully implemented.
  • Despite both the yellow and blue variants being present in the game, neither are featured alongside the regular PlushBaby in the gallery.
  • In the gallery, as well as his select icon, Moon's hat is misplaced to be positioned behind his mask rather than on top of it.
    • Moon's eyes are also missing their glow in his statue pose.
  • Despite neither characters appearing physically in-game, both Monty and Glamrock Bonnie have gallery statues.
    • While Bonnie's makes sense, as he does have a level themed around him, Monty's is strange, as the character has no levels, and only appears as a poster and plushie.
  • Unlike the other Glamrock animatronics, Roxy appears dirty in her statue.
    • While this is likely due to her appearing dirty in her level, the same strangely does not apply to Chica's statue, despite her also appearing dirty in her level.
  • Mimic's first gallery icon in Help Wanted 2 uses a fan-render featured on the Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki's article on the character.[1]
    • The icon was later replaced with one that both used a render made by Steel Wool, but also more accurately reflected Mimic's in-game appearance.


Screen 1[]

Screen 2[]

Game Mechanics
General BatteryCamerasExotic ButtersFaz TokensFlashlightFreddy Fazbear MaskShocker
Help Wanted Prize CounterTapesThe Gallery
Special Delivery The ShopE-MailsEventsPartsRemnantSkinsPlayer ProfileWorkshopNoise MeterPhoto Booth ModeXPAnimatronic Encounters
Freddy in Space 2 GemsPower-UpsTrophies
Security Breach Faz-WatchFaz-Cam & FazerblasterCollectablesDufflebag MessagesMonty Golf AR-CadeBalloon WorldPrincess QuestRetro CDsGlamrock FreddySecurity MaskFaz-WrenchCamera Station
Other Easter EggsEndingsFazbear Funtime ServiceThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceFreddy and Friends: On TourMemories
Meta Content TeasersAchievementsUpdate HistoriesBeta ContentUnused FeaturesUnused and Cut Content (FNAF Security Breach)
General Fazbear EntertainmentFreddy Fazbear's PizzaFazbear's FrightThe BedroomCircus Baby's Entertainment and Rental
Help Wanted Main HubPrize CounterPrize RoomTape RoomGame Over RoomThe Freddy Fazbear Virtual ExperienceThe GallerySilver Parasol Games
Special Delivery Fazbear Funtime ServiceThe Dark Circus
Security Breach Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex